Prophecy Research Inc is an independent equities research firm that provides quality, unbiased & timely updates around buying, selling, or holding of stocks. Our goal is to provide you with the best market intelligence at the right time, at the right price.

Customers are able to diversify their buying decisions due to our extensive research which is purely based on fundamental & technical analysis, macro-economic factors, price-sensitive information & the changing geopolitical aspects, all of which determine the future of the stock market.

YOU – our clients are always our priority; therefore, we endeavor to build a long-lasting relationship with you based on trust & reliability. We truly care if you succeed, hence our reports are unbiased, meticulous & to the point. The markets are moving quickly these days & there is no dearth of spammy content, it is this overload of information that makes you wary of making a timely investment decision, most opportunities have come & gone by the time people even realize it - Due diligence is not a luxury, it is a basic need.

Whether you are a newbie just starting out or a seasoned player in the stock market, we’ve got something for everybody! Making investments on a regular basis & focusing on the long-term goal is a primary key to smart & disciplined investing, hence we provide simple & transparent updates/ideas.

Low risk-taking investors can choose stocks that have the potential to reap better returns over a medium – long term period, where others see downside & are fearful of entering the markets, we identify opportunities that are likely to succeed from underlying economic situations. Our main objective is to refine our research & analysis methods so we can interpret the markets & come to you with accurate updates which help you make better decisions while you invest your hard-earned money in the market.

Our main priority is to provide Canadian investors with accurate, unbiased, timely & high-quality investment news/tips/updates. We offer you the best possible tools to increase your investment portfolios, especially in an industry plagued with misinformation.